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Image by Thomas Peham

Hold everyone accountable with smarter form management and approval.


A Digital Works Supervision System (DWSS) is now mandatory.

A Digital Works Supervision System (DWSS) is a web-based centralized portal that facilitates digital submission and approval of construction works information - RISC, site diary, site safety, cleansing inspections, labor return records, and more. Given its gravity in effective project management, the HKSAR Development Bureau mandated DWSS's adoption in capital work contracts exceeding HK$300 million as of April 2020.

Adjustable Insights Visualization

Track team performance in one place - defects, works, locations, etc.

Extensive, actionable insights in one portal

Design your own approval processes

Fully integrate with your SSSS and CDCP

Integrate with your SSSS for remote site supervision

Link with your CDCP for seamless handovers

All necessary software modules on one master platform

A Superior DWSS for Construction

Let us show you how to implement DWSS step by step. Book a free consultation so we can walk you through the latest standards of DWSS and SSSS.

The Benchmark of DWSS

Standardized approval workflows for all stakeholders

500+ form templates for easy drag and drop

Create both mandated and customized digital forms

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